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Tired of the same old cleaning content?

We certainly are!

We've been in the cleaning business for 70 years. In all that time, we have yet to find a captivating cleaning newsletter. So we've taken it upon ourselves to create a captivating cleaning newsletter.

Throw your info in that box on the right and join the thousands of others that rely on The Sweep to get their source of cleaning knowledge, industry news, best practices, and other helpful tips to managing and improving cleaning services.

P.S. We give away free resources to help you get more out of your cleaning services. You can find free resources here.

janitress holding a map

About The Authors

The content in this newsletter is a collaborative effort.

While the authors of this newsletter work for Impact Cleaning Services, the information, resources, and data provided in this newsletter are sourced from a variety of people and channels.

We love working with fellow Cleaning Experts, Commercial Real Estate Professionals, Associations, Founders, Cleaners, and really anyone else who is passionate about cleaning. 

If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, drop us an email and we'll be in touch.




What is Commercial Cleaning?
By The Impact Cleaning Team 23 April 2024

I know… we said we wouldn’t be posting generic cleaning content that you can find on Google. We’ve...

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The Sweep: Cleaning Week!
By George Boutsalis 3 April 2024

by George Boutsalis | March 27, 2024

Word Count: 795 | Read Time: 2mins53secs

The Big Sweep: NFMT...

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The Sweep: River Renaissance
By George Boutsalis 4 July 2024

The Big Sweep: River Renaissance

Paris has invested $1.5 billion to make the Seine River...

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