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Seven decades of smart, sustainable, and scalable cleaning solutions

and that's only just the beginning...

Regardless of the region, our team delivers consistent cleaning service.







four people cleaning

From Salesman to President

Born and raised in a small town in Greece, Chris Boutsalis immigrated to Canada at 17 years old, with $100 in his pocket (or so he says…). After a stint working in the hospitality industry, and a shorter stint owning his own restaurant, Chris decided to take a job as a salesman with a small cleaning company. Chris had a knack for customer service. By 1979 he was promoted to Operations Manager, and by 1980 he was named Vice President and became a partner in the business.


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Our carefully curated cleaning content is full of valuable tips, tricks, and tools. You'll get valuable information from us on how to be a better cleaner, new ideas and innovations, and some stories that we think are super cool!

someone who explains cleaning