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an impactful blog

This will not be your typical cleaning company blog.

We do not intend on writing about our services or sharing generic cleaning tips. If you want to learn more about our services, go here: Our Services. If you want generic cleaning tips, go here: www.google.com.

Our intention is to create a blog that is impactful. One that has a strong effect on someone or something. To be impactful, we must be different.

Some things we might write about:

  • Why you need a service partner, not a service contractor.
  • What it really means to empower your people.
  • Using a Quality Assurance App in 2023 is not “innovation”.
  • What does “green” cleaning really mean?
  • What’s it like working with seven family members?

To be clear, our intention is not to criticize anybody. There are some really great cleaning companies out there and wish them all the success in the world. We’re just different.

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” – Thomas Jefferson

Wise words.

Ultimately, we intend to share our thoughts, ideas, and experiences. We intend to be a source of industry knowledge. We intend to push the status quo and raise the bar on what it means to be a commercial cleaning company.

Our goal is to challenge the norms and set better standards.

Thank you for your time and we really appreciate you reading this blog post.

Have a great day and go do something impactful!



The Impact Cleaning Services Team

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